Brahma won't lay eggs


7 Years
Jun 4, 2012
I bought a black Brahma/Ameraucana mix back in July 2016. At that time I was told that she was around 4 months old. It is now Dec. and she has yet to lay an egg. I know that Brahma's can be slow to lay and I have cooped her up, placed fake eggs in coop, etc. The rest of my hens lay but this black Brahma is a mystery! LOL She doesn't look old to me but what do I know! Any Brahma experts out there that could possibly explain this? Thanks & Happy Holidays

Here is a pic of my Brahma mix. She looks small but it was a rainy night so she was slightly wet. She normally is all big and fluffy.
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One of the problems with purchasing pullets in mid-late summer is the fact that it makes the start of egg production much harder to predict. In some cases, pullets won't start laying until the following spring. However, from that pic of her, it looks to me like she is at the age to lay eggs. Her face is red and her comb is large. Does she perform the egg squat at all?

I wouldn't worry too much about her. If she doesn't start within the next week or so, I would expect her to start in the early spring.
But who knows, she might surprise you before then.
She has not been squatting at all. When I coop her up she lays in the nest and sleeps. I will give it more time. Even if she doesn't ever lay, I Iove her too much to do away with her. She will just end up being another family pet!
I bought a black Brahma/Ameraucana mix back in July 2016. At that time I was told that she was around 4 months old. It is now Dec. and she has yet to lay an egg. I know that Brahma's can be slow to lay and I have cooped her up, placed fake eggs in coop, etc. The rest of my hens lay but this black Brahma is a mystery! LOL She doesn't look old to me but what do I know! Any Brahma experts out there that could possibly explain this? Thanks & Happy Holidays

Here is a pic of my Brahma mix. She looks small but it was a rainy night so she was slightly wet. She normally is all big and fluffy.
Her Comb and Wattles are red.....I bet in a few weeks she will lay an egg.......Cute little Bird.....If she is investigating the nest boxes she is on her way to lay.....They love to practise for a bit first.....


I agree she looks like she could be laying, with that nice bright comb and wattles. She appears healthy and in good condition. It's probably just a daylight thing. Solstice is approaching, and after that the birds will start laying much better.

Unsolicited information.....she's not Brahma or Ameraucana. Both those breeds are pea combed, your lady has a nice straight comb. My guess if she's pure bred is a hatchery Cochin. So, if you were hoping for colored eggs, that's a no go on this girl. Cochins are also slow to mature and not stellar layers, so that may explain the delay in onset of lay. But they're great pets, they do lay decently once they get going, and they make wonderful mommas if you're so inclined to hatch out your own chicks.

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