Breeds surviving vs succumbing to Marek’s


Jul 29, 2020
From those that have had Marek’s in the flock, it would be interesting to know how many chickens from each breed survived or didn’t - maybe that could give some idea of disease susceptibility. If you’re interested too, please share

For us:
Lost 1 BO (confirmed Marek’s) & 1 GLW (suspect Marek’s)
Still with us: 1 EE & 1 BA
(All vaccinated but vet knows of our breeder - Hilltop Farms - & suspects they doesn’t vaccinate properly)
Thank you!! Just reviewed that one and FYI for those that don’t want to read the whole thing, the author suggests that the Egyptian Faoumi’s are resistant (as I’ve also read elsewhere) and that these are particularly susceptible. I’d be interested if others experienced bear this out (and also about other breeds not mentioned here):

Silkies, Cochins, Seabrites, Buff Orpingtons, Welsummers, Speckled Sussex,
From those that have had Marek’s in the flock, it would be interesting to know how many chickens from each breed survived or didn’t - maybe that could give some idea of disease susceptibility. If you’re interested too, please share

For us:
Lost 1 BO (confirmed Marek’s) & 1 GLW (suspect Marek’s)
Still with us: 1 EE & 1 BA
(All vaccinated but vet knows of our breeder - Hilltop Farms - & suspects they doesn’t vaccinate properly)
The vaccine doesn't prevent the bird getting or spreading mareks, it only *usually* prevents the tumors from growing that causes issues. It's only about 85% effective at that.
Yes! (wrt vaccine) Anyone willing to share, I think it would be interesting to know if your chickens were or were not vaccinated as we could look at these as separate groups (susceptibility with and without vaccination). Note that here I'm defining susceptibility as mortality. So far two of mine have presented symptoms (and unfortunately passed). I'm not sure which group I would include mine in as they are vaccinated but I have an expert opinion that they were not vaccinated appropriately.
Glad I discovered this thread as I’ve been dealing with Marek’s in my flock of 5: 3 years old and all vaccinated.

My lavender Orpington was the first one to become paralyzed and as I had her euthanized, the necropsy confirmed Marek’s.
My cream legbar has a grey eye/diluted pupil pointing to ocular Marek’s.
Now my black French marans hasn’t been laying for a while and is starting to act a bit weird, sitting around, isolating herself from the rest - like my LO did at first.

I also have a polish and an olive egger and they both seem fine. However potential 3 out of 5 despite the vaccination at hatch doesn’t sound too good.
Thank you!! Just reviewed that one and FYI for those that don’t want to read the whole thing, the author suggests that the Egyptian Faoumi’s are resistant (as I’ve also read elsewhere) and that these are particularly susceptible. I’d be interested if others experienced bear this out (and also about other breeds not mentioned here):

Silkies, Cochins, Seabrites, Buff Orpingtons, Welsummers, Speckled Sussex,
The cochin bantams in my experience are quite susceptible as youngsters.

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