Brinsea Ovation Ex56 Airflow


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2024
SE Tennessee
I just happened to notice the last batch I ran that the air flow between my Nurture Right 360 and my Brinsea are backwards to each other. I thought that curious at least. The Brinsea is moving air up in the middle and outward towards the sides. The NR is the exact opposite, down into the eggs in middle air moving up from the edges. Can anyone verify the correct flow direction? Thanks
Why don't you contact Nurture Right and Brinsea and ask them what is correct for their design. They should know what is correct for their models more than anyone else. They designed them.

To me, one purpose of a forced air incubator (one with a fan) is to stir the air up so the temperature is the same throughout the incubator. In a still air incubator (one without a fan) warm air rises so you will get a different temperature based on what elevation you take the temperature. If the air is stirred up it doesn't matter where you take the temperature or at what elevation you have the eggs. You have to be more precise in a still air incubator in where you measure temperature relative to the eggs.

I'm sure there are other purposes to a forced air related to fresh air for the developing embryos and how humidity is managed that are different from a still air. But I seriously doubt if it makes any difference how the air is stirred (going up in the middle or up on the edges) as long as the air is properly stirred. But I'm not an incubator designer. People at Nurture Right and Brinsea are.
I own one NR360 and 3 Brinsea 56EX's and have hatched many hundreds of eggs. I don't pay attention to each model's airflow, but do pay attention to their ability to maintain heat on both ends. Having had two Govee thermometers in each one, at one time or another, I did notice a 1 degree difference on one day, then not the next, then again on another day in the Brinseas. I do believe ambient temperature may play a part in that, but not sure. Since it was only different by 1 degree, I didn't pay it much attention since they all hatch eggs just fine.
The easy answer here was all I had to do was look at the Brinsea box. I guess they're proud of the design and they show an airflow picture on the box. So the answer is.... both are designed to pull UP at the fan and distribute it outward towards the heater coils and the edges of the box. I must have accidently reversed the fan on the Brinsea when I took it apart to clean the topside of the inner panel. So the moral of the story, if you take yours apart to clean all the fuzzies and such out make sure the fan blade is facing down, not the motor side of the fan.
I should have added earlier just FYI. The last day of the hatch last batch evidently about 15 of them hatched out in an hour or so's time. I got up at 2am to check and the humidity was pegged at 98% and the temperature was at 86 degrees and was not heating. This was what got it all started about the airflow......

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