- Sep 11, 2024
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Hey everyone! My little house serama went broody in August and wouldn't quit, she has no rooster or fertilized eggs so after a month or so I gave in and got 3 eggs from a neighbor (they aren't same breed they are polish hens so larger eggs than she lays and 3 fit under her perfectly) everything seemed to be developing fine when candling etc, but on day 18/19 one of the eggs broke. It is the top of the egg with the air space that broke off, totalling about 1/3 of the shell or a bit less, but it crumbled into pieces and can't be put back together like some posts suggest. The chick inside is in the bottom of the egg in a white membrane and its beak etc is not poking through yet, but its little heart is beating away! No blood or anything coming out when it cracked, the broken part was completely clean. Is there anything I can do to save this baby?? I'm so sad to see this happen and don't want it to die when it's so close to making it into this world. I read about the membrane drying out and that that coconut oil could be put on it, I don't have any of the other creams people suggested using. Am I doomed to watch this baby die? This is my first time hatching chicks and this serama is my first chicken in general so I am not versed in this matter at all, but seeing that heartbeat and not trying something to save it will kill me.
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