Broken beak? Cross beak?


9 Years
May 6, 2011
I'm sorry. this pic isn't the best. I have an expensive camera, but I'm an awful photog.

Can you tell if this guy has a cross beak? It seems part of his beak is broken off, but it also looks a little crooked. He eats just fine, so far...

(I'll take better pics tomorrow, hopefully, I know I don't have a good full-on face shot.)

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Hard to say. What did (s)he look like before the beak got broken? I think you are going to have to wait to see what grows out. It looks like there may be some sort of deformity there, but it may just be from the splintered top bill not lining up properly, which might grow out perfectly normally.

How old is the bird? Crossbeaks get progressively worse until about 18 weeks of age.
Is the other side of his beak crooked too, or is it just the side that's pictured?

If the bottom left side of the beak is off then Id say its crooked beak.

I had a chick 1 week old with the early stages of crooked beak and the bottom beak was starting to stick out...
I had to return her to the store i got her from.
I don't know how his beak was before it was broken, I just got him a couple of days ago and it was like that when I got him. I also don't know exactly how old he is, I am estimating about 4-5 weeks. If it's crooked, it's barely crooked, that's why I am trying to get opinions. I don't think it looks too bad, but he's also far from 18 weeks...

I do think it looks crooked on both sides :(

I think I'll take pics each week so I can judge if it's getting worse.

Thanks for the info!

(I sure hope he's fine, I would hate to have to cull him.)
Lame, I hope its not to bad when he grows.

If he gets to be too much to handle maybe you could find a bird sanctuary near you? I might be dreaming, but it seemed to me that the organic feed store i got my chick replaced her in a bird sanctuary.

I heard that chickens can grow their beaks back, I don't know how long it takes but it does happen.
Lame, I hope its not to bad when he grows.

If he gets to be too much to handle maybe you could find a bird sanctuary near you? I might be dreaming, but it seemed to me that the organic feed store i got my chick replaced her in a bird sanctuary.

I heard that chickens can grow their beaks back, I don't know how long it takes but it does happen.
Thank you. Honestly, it looks so mild compared to pictures I've seen, I'm hoping it's just the crack. Or, if it's cross, that it will be very mild as he grows. He's a beautiful chick, I can't imagine getting rid of him. But, our local zoo has a program where they take injured/special needs animals and care for them, then use them to train visitors about things like ... not throwing banana peels out on the road so owls go to eat them and get hit by a car.

(I anticipate keeping him, though, no matter what ;)
He is very pretty what bread is he?/

I had no idea zoos did things like that how cool! I bet the zoo would be happy to have a pretty roo.
He's a wheaten ameraucana :)

We love our local zoo. It's small-ish, but has wonderful keepers working there. And, it's free!

I looked closer at his beak today and I think it's really just cracked. The top is smaller than the bottom, which makes him look a little odd, but I think it's just because the top has the crack out of it. I'll update when I can tell what's really going on.
Oh man maybe I should move to maryland LOL

I feel good know his chances lean more towards cracked beak. Maybe he fell on it? My chicks are a but clumsy an they fall a few time a week off their roost bar

I looked at some pictures of wheaten americanas, they have such feather coloring. And the roos looks so manly.

Please do, let me know how hes doing. Ever since I got chickens, every chicken matters to me lol! Its true what they say chickens are an addiction

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