broken chick leg


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
I had this little chick get out and in with the hens. The hens pounced on it like a pack of wolves. It's injuries are minor besides the broken leg at the joint. I rigged a splint but this chick is in pain. I think I should cull it. Any chance it could heal and grow up with a normal ability to get around and not be attacked by the hens? This morning it was moving it's one toe. Is it a hen or a roo?
Even though it looks to be a rose comb I think with that much red it's a cockerel. Rose comb pullets can show red early.

The leg will heal but be stiff. Had a cock bird that broke leg at hock and he got around just fine. Peg legged it everywhere. I used a popsicle stick and gauze bandaging to hold in place. Heals in bit over a week. Being so young is likely to knit faster. Once it can get around will be able to be back with brood mates.

Personally I never put young birds in with adults unless they were brooded by a hen. They have no defense from the pecking order. My minimum age is 12 weeks and prefer older. Others have integrated earlier with success but I don't even chance it.
We didn't put it in with the hens. I mean put it back with it's chickie pals in the chickie pen after it's healed and older. I have 2 others with the Momma and she turned on them yesterday too so I took them away from the flock. I have no rooster anymore.

Thank you for the help.

Also it's a cross with a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roo and a EE hen.
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