Broody Hen and Incubating Eggs

Jan 1, 2020
Eastern North Carolina, USA
I’ve been having some of my hens become broody and I sell hatching eggs or I incubate them myself and was wondering how long can a hen sit on eggs and them still be okay to store for incubation? I would be okay with my hens hatching eggs but I have a black snake problem and definitely don’t want my chicks to be eaten! I pick up eggs every day but still I’m getting hens wanting to sit on eggs and when they get up the others lay their eggs in the broody hens nesting box so I was wondering if it would be safe to get them everyday or not and if the incubation process would already start within a couple hours of her sitting on them?
Incubation will not start by your hens sitting on them for a few hours before you gather them.
Just get them as soon as you can and refigerate eating eggs and store haTching eggs point down at at around 55 to 60 degrees, without washing.
Good luck!
Thanks! Do you know about how long it takes before the incubation process starts?
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