Broody Hen Question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 3, 2014
This is our first flock, and we are about a year in to it. We really enjoy our birds. However, still being pretty new and experiencing new things, we missed the early signs of broodiness setting in with 2 of our Buffs. Consequently, we have two very broody girls in the coop.

Today, the missus was talking with another chicken lady who told her since we were getting some additional chicks, just put them in our brooder along with the broody hens and they will "snap" right out of it.

Has anyone tried this? I would like to hear from more than one source if that is a viable option before I introduce our future layers into the flock by way of two broody hens.

Thanks for the input!
Well, yes BUT, I'd be careful with that.

You can 'graft' day old chicks onto a broody hen and she will raise them and integrate them into the flock,
which can be a very nice option vs a brooder box to raise chicks then segregation/integration scenarios to enlarge flock.

But you have to manage it carefully, the timing can be crucial, and have a back up plan if the broody rejects the chicks.

I'd suggest you read up on broody hens and learn what the details and options are before just putting a broody and some new chicks together.
Here is an excellent thread to read and ask questions:

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