Broody hen throwing eggs!


Sep 7, 2020
Hey everyone, I've never had this happen before, so asking for advice. I've got a broody brahma hen right now, but she is actually picking up my other hens eggs with her beak throwing them out of the nest box, then she rolls them all the way out of the coop until they fall on the ground and break! If on the off chance they don't break, she runs out, pecks them until they do break, then goes back to the coop. She has never done thus before, but it is the first time she has gone broody she is around 1 year old. Anyone got any suggestions of what I can do??
Hey everyone, I've never had this happen before, so asking for advice. I've got a broody brahma hen right now, but she is actually picking up my other hens eggs with her beak throwing them out of the nest box, then she rolls them all the way out of the coop until they fall on the ground and break! If on the off chance they don't break, she runs out, pecks them until they do break, then goes back to the coop. She has never done thus before, but it is the first time she has gone broody she is around 1 year old. Anyone got any suggestions of what I can do??
Has she got her own eggs?
Are you wanting her to try to sit on eggs to hatch?
If so you might want to make sure she is in her own secure area where no one else can get to her.
She might not be the best broody though.
Are you wanting her to try to sit on eggs to hatch?
If so you might want to make sure she is in her own secure area where no one else can get to her.
She might not be the best broody though.
She is with 4 hens no roosters. She just went broody. Don't want her to hatch out any eggs, and don't have any fertile for her to hatch out anyways..... is there something I can do to stop her from throwing the other girls eggs out? Or does she need some fertile eggs?
Sorry, I should have said in the original post. This hen has gone broody, but we don't want her to hatch out any eggs, nor do we have any fertile eggs for her. She is in with 4 other hens, she has been broody for around 3 or so weeks now. And only started throwing the eggs in the last 2 weeks.
She might be easy to break being she has some strong instincts going on. Simply shutting her away from her nest might do it. My guess is her instinct is similar to broodies who attack chicks that are not hers. Or the other thought is maybe she has decided the eggs are no good since chicks are not growing in them. I have never heard of a hen doing this before.
One more thought is she breaking the eggs to get the extra protein since she hasn't been eating regularly?

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