- Aug 12, 2016
- 24
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- 104
I had a bantam Cochin go broody. A few days later, one of her sisters decided to join her. They sat on their eggs for 3+ weeks and hatched them all out together, living in a small broody box I made for them inside the coop. They got along beautifully and shared chicks no problem.
Well a couple days ago, about a week into the chicks hatching and them coparenting wonderfully, two things happened. First, the one that “joined” the broody party a few days late had a single poop full of small worms. (This might not be connected at all, and we’ve never had worm issues before, but worth mentioning. I have checked so many poops since then and seen no more but am treating the whole flock with an intense holistic regimen and will get fecal testing to see if I need chemical dewormers still, I wanted to avoid that with baby chicks if possible). She runs around with her wings fluffed out a bit when she gets out of the brooder which I think is normal broody behavior? She’s done it ever since being broody.
But the other huge thing is that the OG broody hen has started attacking her. At first it was only when the mamas went out to dust bath and stretch their legs and poop (they don’t like pooping in the broody box). But now it’s even in the broody box and she’s started attacking other hens too. In the box it puts the chicks in danger because there’s a ton of flailing and kicking.
So I finally separated them and removed the aggressive OG hen from the brooder box. Obviously she’s not happy but not as distressed as I thought she’d be.
Should I just keep her separated and hope she gets over it? Or should I split the chicks up between them somehow? I only have one brooder box and can’t build another right now.
I had a bantam Cochin go broody. A few days later, one of her sisters decided to join her. They sat on their eggs for 3+ weeks and hatched them all out together, living in a small broody box I made for them inside the coop. They got along beautifully and shared chicks no problem.
Well a couple days ago, about a week into the chicks hatching and them coparenting wonderfully, two things happened. First, the one that “joined” the broody party a few days late had a single poop full of small worms. (This might not be connected at all, and we’ve never had worm issues before, but worth mentioning. I have checked so many poops since then and seen no more but am treating the whole flock with an intense holistic regimen and will get fecal testing to see if I need chemical dewormers still, I wanted to avoid that with baby chicks if possible). She runs around with her wings fluffed out a bit when she gets out of the brooder which I think is normal broody behavior? She’s done it ever since being broody.
But the other huge thing is that the OG broody hen has started attacking her. At first it was only when the mamas went out to dust bath and stretch their legs and poop (they don’t like pooping in the broody box). But now it’s even in the broody box and she’s started attacking other hens too. In the box it puts the chicks in danger because there’s a ton of flailing and kicking.
So I finally separated them and removed the aggressive OG hen from the brooder box. Obviously she’s not happy but not as distressed as I thought she’d be.
Should I just keep her separated and hope she gets over it? Or should I split the chicks up between them somehow? I only have one brooder box and can’t build another right now.