Kate F
In the Brooder
My first broody chicken, a Rhode Island Red almost 3 years old. So, I noticed she was broody so we got our brooder box set up quick, it was in the plans for my younger Buffs for next year. Anyway, we moved her one night, about day 3 or 4, but when she was let out the next day, she abandoned her eggs and went back to the nesting box. So, we moved the eggs back to her.
Candled them this weekend while she was taking her break outside and 5-6 of the eggs look good, 2 look unfertilized but I didn't take them away, worried it would through her off and they didn't stink, and one looks like it may be about a week younger than the 5 good ones.
So my question is, when the chicks start hatching within the next 2-3 days, how do I keep them from plunging to their death out of the nesting boxes? I'm going to see about putting up a rail or something to keep that from happening, but, what are the odds she'll let us move her and them to a new place? It's too late to move her now, again. And, what happens if the chicks hatch before we get the rail on? The plunging to their death that I am worried about?
Last question, we are conflicted as to what to do with her/them after the hatching, supposing they survive...should they be separated from the flock in their own run (like I had started to set up for our Buffs next year) or just open and go and she'll take care of them - all our chickens (except our Bantams that are still young) are free range but they'll have their own food near their brooder box that I am hoping she will use at least after the chicks hatch....thanks in advance.
Candled them this weekend while she was taking her break outside and 5-6 of the eggs look good, 2 look unfertilized but I didn't take them away, worried it would through her off and they didn't stink, and one looks like it may be about a week younger than the 5 good ones.
So my question is, when the chicks start hatching within the next 2-3 days, how do I keep them from plunging to their death out of the nesting boxes? I'm going to see about putting up a rail or something to keep that from happening, but, what are the odds she'll let us move her and them to a new place? It's too late to move her now, again. And, what happens if the chicks hatch before we get the rail on? The plunging to their death that I am worried about?
Last question, we are conflicted as to what to do with her/them after the hatching, supposing they survive...should they be separated from the flock in their own run (like I had started to set up for our Buffs next year) or just open and go and she'll take care of them - all our chickens (except our Bantams that are still young) are free range but they'll have their own food near their brooder box that I am hoping she will use at least after the chicks hatch....thanks in advance.