Broody Mama Hen adopted Chicks at night, ignores during day.


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2024
Hello! I had three very broody mother hens, so I gave them each chicks to adopt at night. All three immediately took the chicks under their wings and nuzzled them under their feathers. All was well.

In the morning two of the mamas continued to nuzzle and keep their chicks warm and one even started walking around with them giving them bits of chick feed. Very doting mothers.

However, the third mama is completely ignoring her chicks. Luckily it is a warm day and they are eating and drinking fine - but they are trying to get underneath her…and she just stands up and walks away. She was doting on them at night, but is now completely indifferent. She was very broody for weeks, but I’m wondering if her broodiness broke by the morning for some reason? I removed two of her three eggs overnight and replaced them with the chicks. She isn’t puffy and purring like before. I had planned to remove the last egg tonight.

She also isn’t showing aggression, but did step on her chick without even noticing (the chick is fine) — and then later stepped on one again (chick was fine again).

I put her in a small run with them to encourage her to bond rather than run off. As you can see in the photo she is just standing there. She walks away when the chicks run up to her. She is completely unaware of them.

Any thoughts or ideas? Should I separate them? Let it play out? Add my ambient heating mat so the chicks can stay cozy if she won’t let them underneath her again?

All ideas welcome :) And thanks for taking the time!


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

That is what I would do also, yes at night. I've been successful up to 6 days old. :fl
All went well giving the chicks to my lavender Orpington - she is very broody and already has a couple chicks - which makes me nervous - fingers crossed. I’m going out at sunrise before she “comes to” to monitor how it goes.
All went well giving the chicks to my lavender Orpington - she is very broody and already has a couple chicks - which makes me nervous - fingers crossed. I’m going out at sunrise before she “comes to” to monitor how it goes.
Sadly when I went out this morning the mother hen was already chasing the new chicks around trying to peck their heads - it was barely even light out. So I scooped them out and they will be raised inside - we are going to be pick up a couple more chicks to live with them so they can feel secure and form a group for when they re-enter the flock :) Thank you for the advice! I really thought it would work, it surprised me she wouldn’t accept them…she’s such a docile bird :(

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