
Sep 18, 2024
This is my first time doing this: introducing chicks to a broody mom. I need advice.

I had 4 laying hens, all bantam size. 2 of those hens are silkies and they always stuck next to each other. Almost 5 days ago I had one of my silkie’s pass away due to what I assume was a heart attack when going to bed. She was completely healthy. No egg stuck, no pecking marks. It was very sudden but the silkie I have left is around 3 years old. After her friend passed away, she didn’t want to free range with my other hens. She seemed depressed and would just hang out by the entrance inside the coop. After sitting so much, she became broody. I felt like this broody session was different. I got her 1-2 day old chicks and she did accept them. I also took away the eggs she was sitting on. The first day she ate with them and she let them sleep under her overnight but she was still always just wanting to be in the nest area. Today is the same thing. I created a section for her and the chicks within the coop run and she still just sits there. I pick her up and she’s fine but then I put her back down and she just sits. She will sit in the nesting area or outside of it. I’m kind of overwhelmed. I’m not sure if the chicks broke her broodiness or she’s just really depressed and wanting to slowly pass away from a broken heart. It’s day 2 with the chicks and she’s just not wanting to walk around. I thought she’d want to scavenge around with the babies but she’s just there.

Should I take the chicks away from her? Is this normal for her? Should I rehome her to another flock? Is there hope she’ll change?

Backstory on her: I’ve only had her for a year. I got her from a woman who only had silkies and was getting rid of them all. She came with one other silkie but she passed away after 6 months with me due to unknown reason, I think she had an internal issue as she always had a pasty bottom even after cleaning it multiple times. So she’s seen both her friends pass away. She always just stuck to her silkie friends.
She could be mourning if she was very close with the chicken you lost. Give her some time but also watch for signs of illness. Is she eating and drinking like normal? Could the hen you lost have been ill?
She could be mourning if she was very close with the chicken you lost. Give her some time but also watch for signs of illness. Is she eating and drinking like normal? Could the hen you lost have been ill?
Both hens were eating and drinking like normal, walking around and bathing in the dirt. The death was really sudden. I found her in the nest area. I thought maybe she died trying to pass an egg but felt her vent and it was soft and felt nothing else. I know with the first hen, she was sitting next to her as she passed away and wouldn’t leave her side. This second death, she was already in the coop but did notice her body. Today she hasn’t eaten or had any water. She’s just sitting in the best area. Chicks are just walking around her.
ugh! Does she talk to the chicks. If the chicks are eating and active, I would not pull them unless they started not to thrive. I think either this will get better or worse, and do so in the next few days. Just wait and see, Idont see anything you can do to change the outcome.

Mrs K

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