Broody switch out


5 Years
Apr 24, 2019
South Carolina, USA
Well we did it. I let broody#1 out with her 5 ten day old chicks. She showed them all around and everyone got alomg for the most part. She did have a dust up with one other hen but it was resolved quickly. Ru ( our rooster... Yes named after RuPaul 😆) came over and refereed.

She took them into the main coop at night which was ideal because i have broody#2 on 3 eggs with a hatch date of the 18th . I need to move her into the brooder coop today.

I have a coworker who is preparing to take 3 pullets and 1 cockrel. I believe of the 5 currently running around 3 are pullets and 2 are cockrels.

I attempted to determine this by markings...but then now that they are feathering out, 3 are much further along with tail and wing feathers and 2 have barely any wing feathers and no tail feathers.

Females feather quicker right? Cuz by the markings ( eyeliner and head triangles as they are welsummers) i had one of the feathered ones pegged as male and one of the laggers a pullet.

I should be able to tell for sure by the time they are ready to goto their new home as our Ru got his comb and wattles way before our hens.

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