Buff Brahma pullet with droopy tail


Jun 27, 2020
Our lovely Buff Brahma is about 14 weeks old now and we've noticed that her tail has been droopy ever since it came in. If we pick her up and push her tail up in the "proper" position, it'll stay for maybe 15 seconds then slowly droop back down. She seems fine otherwise. Clean vent, no behavioral problems that we've noticed and it's always been like this. Does she just have something genetically different going on or is something the matter? We've previously had chickens with cropped tails and other oddities so I assume it's just something unique about her. Anyone else ever seen this?
I don't have any of that breed. I did an image search and there were some adult hens that didn't have very upright tail.

I don't know if I would worry about that yet unless she started to look off.

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