Hello, everybody.My fiancé and I have recently purchased some baby chicks from tractor supply.We got three buff orpingtons and three black alstropes. When we got them we were told that they were sexed pullets, But I do know that sexing is not always a hundred percent. As they've grown, we've had them about a week, but we think that they might have already been older than a couple days.When we purchased them as they were the last chicks in the bin and it was the only bin full of chicks. 5 of our 6 chicks already have tail feathers and their wings are getting more filled with feathers. But this particular one that I think might be a rooster doesn't have full feathers yet. Nor does it have a tail, but all of them are starting to grow a little comb. And this one is starting to grow. It's comb, but everything else is still not that of all the others. I guess i've kind of come to the conclusion that I either have one rooster and five hens or I have five Roosters and one hen. Lol i have posted photos of the chick i think may be a male any help is appreciated. Thank you.