Buff Orpington?


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2024
We ordered from an egg production pack.
The potential breeds that were listed were, Black Sex Link, Production Red, Rhode Island Red, California White, Amberlink, White Leghorn, and ISA Brown. I don't think these yellow ones are feathering out as any of the above breeds.
I've read that Buff Orpingtons aren't the most prolific breed, but they have a very sweet disposition.


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I agree they don't really look like any of those breeds. Down color or how they're featuring in.
They do look like BOs. Those are white shanks, right?
I agree they don't really look like any of those breeds. Down color or how they're featuring in.
They do look like BOs. Those are white shanks, right?
They have a slight almost green tint to them. Definitely lighter than yellow and orange, so probably white.
I was hoping for Amberlinks or ISA browns, but I guess that is the risk whenever one aquires birds either from a hatchery or a feed store. Buy because you love the birds, not with a specific breed in mind.


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They have a slight almost green tint to them. Definitely lighter than yellow and orange, so probably white.

It will be interesting to see what color those feet are when the chick grows up. At this point, I can't decide if the feet are white and just looking a little off, or if they are trying to be slate feet ("blue") and are just a very pale version of it.

I have seen chickens in the past that had the genetics for slate feet, but the feet were actually a pastel blue color, presumably affected by whatever genes were causing light gold feathers on my chickens. Mine weren't quite Buff, but probably had quite a few of the same genes.

If the feet actually are blue (genetically speaking), then that is wrong for a Buff Orpington. I agree that they don't look quite right for any of the breeds on the list.
Yup! Yours has a slightly lighter head, but the feathers and posture look very similar!
I have 5 of the little ladies, so I hope they lay decent enough. They certainly enjoy eating!
Mine fully feathered actually has white and black on her feathers. I know they sometimes cross white in with buff or black in with buffs

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