Bug infested hen?


May 28, 2022
Malvern, Arkansas
My 3 1/2 year old Lavender Orpington started showing pretty bad feather damage in the last 2 weeks. Broken off wing feathers and her fluff falling off in chunks. Saturday morning when I let the chickens out, she was staggering some and looked off balance. I separated her into a crate in the garage. Sprayed with permethrin - just a quick spray on her back - gave her nutridrench and feed and a heat lamp for comfort. We had to be away all day. When I got home, I saw black things falling off her. Odd shaped. Some still in her feathers. None moving.
She has improved some - eating well, walking in the crate fine. But I decided to give her a more thorough permethrin spray. Oh my goodness. The black things coming out from her are ridiculous. What am I dealing with? My eyes are bad - legally blind so my lenses are strong and I can't see tiny things well.

So, what's infesting her? Is permethrin spray the right treatment? I sprayed the coop thoroughly. No other chickens or ducks show signs, but should I treat the whole flock?


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@Ingrid_Grace and @dawg53 , that is a huge relief! But seriously? So how can I help her shed those old feather shafts out? Was her getting wet from the permethrin spray what helped move them to the surface? I guess I'm just wondering if I NEED to do anything. Sounds like it will resolve itself eventually.
She will preen most of the feather sheaths off, the rest will eventually work their way out as she takes dust baths.
@Ingrid_Grace , @dawg53 and @Wyorp Rock , you are the best. Thank you all so much. I've only been raising chickens 3 1/2 years, and this hen we've had nearly from the start. I've never seen her or anyone have such a hard molt - the drunken staggering worried me. But you knew right away what was going on. I am so appreciative.
No problem! my chickens looked crazy during their molt this year and I had the same thing going on. 😅

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