I have a sweet girl that is being bullied. I have 10 other chickens, all red sexlink. One day in the beginning of the month I noticed one of them had an injured bloodied comb and then realized that the other seemed to be picking on her before I noticed the blood. I quickly separated her, cleaned up a small injury to her comb, which has since mostly healed. I have had her in the coop and run in a cage so that they can all see her and be around her. I used blukote and her comb is now a purple blue color. I had her out with everyone this morning and it was going well for about 10 minutes until one zoned in on her head and attacked. Another two joined in and started after her. I was right there monitoring the situation and was able to quickly pick her up. She seems to be good otherwise, eating, drinking, doing all her chicken things and I can tell she wants to be reunited with everyone. She is 1 of 4 of my older hens (about 3/4) and the other 7 are almost a year old. I'm not sure what else to do....