I couldn't find anything in previous discussion that is like the situation that I have.
We have a mixed flock (Barred Rock(6 , 1 a rooster), 2 Marans, 1 Easter egger, 2 Gold Stars, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte). All these chickens are a year and half ago and have been together in the same coop/ run since they were chicks. The rooster was a surprise and is overall a good rooster though he can be an a**hole to my wife and I. He doesn't really have a favorite as far as we can tell. Recently, the whole flock has begun bullying one of the Gold Stars. We aren't sure why. She appears healthy except for some minor wounds where the other chickens are pecking at her. She was somewhere in the middle of the pecking order. Since we have separated her from the rest of the flock she is still eating normally and has given us an egg daily. On one occasion one of the Barred Rock hens went around my wife while she was cleaning the separate enclosure where the Gold Star was being kept to attack the bullied hen. Today while I was working in the coop to enlarge the segregation area so she'd have more room the other Gold Star was allowed in just to see if they were OK together and she went after the bullied hen also.
I understand that a sick hen will draw attention from the rest of the flock as they instinctively try to cull disease from the flock but this chicken appears and acts completely healthy. She has been and is one of our top producers.
Any input or advice is welcome, I am completely perplexed as to why this would all of a sudden begin happening. The coop and run were originally designed to be segregated with the addition of some simple wire walls. I am doing that now with the expectation that this might be a permanent arrangement. Thank you for anything you may have to offer.
PS The rooster is involved also.
We have a mixed flock (Barred Rock(6 , 1 a rooster), 2 Marans, 1 Easter egger, 2 Gold Stars, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte). All these chickens are a year and half ago and have been together in the same coop/ run since they were chicks. The rooster was a surprise and is overall a good rooster though he can be an a**hole to my wife and I. He doesn't really have a favorite as far as we can tell. Recently, the whole flock has begun bullying one of the Gold Stars. We aren't sure why. She appears healthy except for some minor wounds where the other chickens are pecking at her. She was somewhere in the middle of the pecking order. Since we have separated her from the rest of the flock she is still eating normally and has given us an egg daily. On one occasion one of the Barred Rock hens went around my wife while she was cleaning the separate enclosure where the Gold Star was being kept to attack the bullied hen. Today while I was working in the coop to enlarge the segregation area so she'd have more room the other Gold Star was allowed in just to see if they were OK together and she went after the bullied hen also.
I understand that a sick hen will draw attention from the rest of the flock as they instinctively try to cull disease from the flock but this chicken appears and acts completely healthy. She has been and is one of our top producers.
Any input or advice is welcome, I am completely perplexed as to why this would all of a sudden begin happening. The coop and run were originally designed to be segregated with the addition of some simple wire walls. I am doing that now with the expectation that this might be a permanent arrangement. Thank you for anything you may have to offer.
PS The rooster is involved also.