bumblefoot spread to leg?


Aug 22, 2020
Hello, on Nov. 4th i had discovered my rooster- lentil had bumblefoot, i started doing epsom salt and iodine soaks and have been trying to pick away at the scab and loosen it up and have been applying triple antibiotic ointment & prid.
Today i noticed his leg was swollen, is it spreading? recommendations? i was planning on doing the “surgery for removing the scab once it dried out a little more but now i’m worried i should’ve done it sooner:confused:
first picture is nov 4th, 2nd & 3rd is nov 11th.


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No i’ve been soaking, cleaning and wrapping every day.
i’ve tried squeezing but nothing seems to come out, i went around the edge of the scab trying to lift it up but it just seems to come off in little pieces and doesn’t just you know like pop up so i’ve been continuing to soak and have been trying to get everything out.
todays after 15 min soak and clean up pic,
i tried picking at the scab removing some of it until there was some blood, cleaned it and put neosporin on it and wrapped it. the swelling of the webbing of his footsie went down a bit but his leg is still swollen


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Sometimes it takes longer soaks, or multiple soaks to get it all removed. You can also try applying decolorized iodine to the scab and wrapping over night (not the same as betadine, any pharmacy should have it in the first aid section). That usually softens it up good. You have to get all the scab off and clean it out under it, it can sometimes take a fair amount of squeezing and manipulation to get it all removed. There may be a hole when you are done. And you may have to do it more than once. Some times they bleed a little, not usually very much. If it's not all cleaned out then it will continue to regenerate and spread.

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