Bumblefoot without scab - next steps?


5 Years
Jun 6, 2019
I found my duck holding her foot up just over a week ago and a tiny bumblefoot scab. I started her on Baytril, soaked with epsom salts and scrubbed the scab with iodine a couple times a day. Now the scab is pretty much gone, but the swelling is worse. I just got an epsom salt poultice that I am trying on her foot overnight and wrapped, but I also had it on today with no effect. What is the best next step in this case? Photos are when I first discovered the infection, and then one week later after the antibiotic and treatment.
I would use PRID and bandage it. PRID is a drawing salve and most likely can pull that out. Drugstores and Walmart sell it as it's used to draw out slivers, among other things.
A year ago one of my chickens had it in both feet so I soaked her feet in salt water every other day .I also placed her on antibiotics for the staph. The core eventually dried up and lifted off the pad of her foot without cutting it.I continued soaking her feet to keep it clean,dressed it and bandaging it until it healed.I now have another hen with it but I'm considering culling this one .It takes a month or two to get it out and completely heal depending on what method you use.The salt water treatment is the cheapest method but takes the longest
I do have prid and used it on her one day...but haven't had huge success with it in the past. I ended up making a tiny cut in an area where it seemed like I could see a round bubble in at the joint - it kind of burst open and some clear liquid came out, then lots of blood. I sprayed it with vetericyn and slathered it with the epsom salt poultice, also a drawing salve. I will reapply those and put a fresh bandage on today and see how it looks.

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