Bump under her eye


Jul 6, 2016
Pasadena, CA
A few days ago, I noticed my Gigi has a swolen area between her eye & the corner of her mouth. In fact, the corner of her mouth is actually included in the bump today. I have been putting neo myacin opthalmic ointment on the bump 2x day. It looks worse today. It has a lil blood coming from a pin hole near the front of the bump. The bump itself is hard on top & softer underneath. Can anyone tell me if you know what we are dealing with & how to help my girl? She is eating & drinking great. Poops are normal. Very alert & she just seems normal. She stopped laying before her molt a few months ago. I believe she is about 6 years old. I believe she is an American Game Hen. As u can see, I am pretty new at this wonderful life w chix!
Thank you for all help!!

It appears to be a sinus infection. It could be something else, but let's shoot for the simple thing first. You're using the right medication, but put it directly in her eye. Just spreading it onto the bump isn't getting it where it's needed.

If you can find a steroid for the eye, that would help tremendously. Ask around with your elder relatives and friends to see if any have left over cataract surgery eye drops.
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Can you look just inside her beak to see if there is anything unusual near the lump. As previously said facial swelling can be from different causes. One possibility is that she could have ben pecked or injured, and has formed an abscess there. If it is lanced and squeezed, and it is filled with a cheesy solid pus, then that may be the answer. If you only get blood, then it cold be a cyst or tumor. Respiratory infections such as MG or coryza can cause a swollen sinus, but are usually accompanied by eye and nasal secretions.
Thank you both for replying!
Last night as I was applying the ointment, some crusty scabs flaked off. She doesnt like me messing with it. I'm sure it hurts!
I will look inside her mouth when I get home. And I'll put the ointment inside her eye also!
I will update after I check on her.
Thank you!
Thank you both for replying!
Last night as I was applying the ointment, some crusty scabs flaked off. She doesnt like me messing with it. I'm sure it hurts!
I will look inside her mouth when I get home. And I'll put the ointment inside her eye also!
I will update after I check on her.
Thank you!

I would consider lancing it, just to find out what the bump is. If it is an abscess, that can quickly be remedied if it is lanced and drained. Plain Neosporin can be applied to the wound.
Sorry for the late reply. I have been putting the opthalmic ointment in her eye & on the bump itself. It's gotten bigger & is pretty tender. I agree it needs to be lanced. I am concerned about doing the procedure, but she cannot stay this way.
No bumps inside her mouth, no sinus drainage.

She is normal in every other way... active, appetite, hydration...
wish me luck!
Lancing the bump isn't difficult, but there's a risk of introducing other bacteria, so care should be given.

Clean the area with peroxide. Use a large gauge sterile needle and poke it in at the edge of the bump right where the bump and normal face tissue meet. Light pressure on the bump should express the water or puss inside the bump. Clean the surrounding skin with peroxide or Betadine.

Use surgical gloves. Some pathogens infecting chickens can be transmitted to humans through the skin and thereby infect you. Behave as if there's a flesh-eating bacteria involved because the possibility does exist.
Thanks everyone for the tips!
I actually lanced the bump & it bled some. (No pus, watery fluid at all).
I watched the videos on the links Eggcessive sent...(ty!). One of the videos showed the cut was very deep in order to get to the cheesey gunk... I probably didn't cut as deep as I needed
.... either that or... possibly a tumor or cyst?
I am giving her a day to rest & I can attempt again...?
I used the opthalmic ointemnt in her eye & neosporin on the bump after our surgery... She ate & drank & is still acting normal...

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