Hey folks, my wife and I have been raising some Red Rangers, BR, and some barnyard mixes for meat and to add to our layer flock. On Aug 27, I butchered 5 of the largest/oldest roosters. 3 of the barnyard mix roosters that were given to me weighed 4.5, 4.5, and 5 pounds they were a little over 16 weeks old. I also butchered 2 of my 9.5 week old RR roosters that were starting to get a little too aggressive with the hens. They went 5.5 and 6 pounds live weight.
I figured for the barnyard mixes I didn't do too bad on weight. I was impressed with the red rangers, and how plump they were. I have 6 more RR roosters and 6 more young BR roosters left to go. The BR roosters are 12.5 weeks old and still look like Cornish hens. They are still put on pasture every day with free access to food and water as well. I do give them a handful of meal worms everyday. As well as some garden scraps.
So here is my breakdown:
BR=5 hens, 6 Roosters (we hatched)
Mix=3 hens, 3 roosters (gifted)
RR=3 hens 9 roosters ($1/ea) one died
After factoring in 7 bags of meat bird, 6 bags of chick starter, and poultry bags, the cost per bird Averaged just over $7/ea. I figured by the time I butcher the rest, I'll be about 7.50/ea. I've never raised birds for meat before, so how does this compare to others? I know they were raised with plenty of room, and access to green grass and sun every day.
I figured for the barnyard mixes I didn't do too bad on weight. I was impressed with the red rangers, and how plump they were. I have 6 more RR roosters and 6 more young BR roosters left to go. The BR roosters are 12.5 weeks old and still look like Cornish hens. They are still put on pasture every day with free access to food and water as well. I do give them a handful of meal worms everyday. As well as some garden scraps.
So here is my breakdown:
BR=5 hens, 6 Roosters (we hatched)
Mix=3 hens, 3 roosters (gifted)
RR=3 hens 9 roosters ($1/ea) one died
After factoring in 7 bags of meat bird, 6 bags of chick starter, and poultry bags, the cost per bird Averaged just over $7/ea. I figured by the time I butcher the rest, I'll be about 7.50/ea. I've never raised birds for meat before, so how does this compare to others? I know they were raised with plenty of room, and access to green grass and sun every day.