Button quail questions


Aug 22, 2023
I'm thinking of hatching button quail but I have a few questions...
Do they make good pets?
Are they cold hardy cant they handle -7ºc I could bring then in if not maybe
What kind of coop and run do they need?
@peafowl_Lover They’re fun to watch, but they’re flighty, like @Nabiki says. My experience only… I’ve had a few that were an exception to that, and they actually liked being held (they’d call until I went and got them). That’s rare though. The hens don’t often go broody. I’ve had it happen 4 times during 20+ years raising them. 1 hen very successfully brooded. The others wouldn’t commit fully, and I had to finish in the incubator. I can’t attest to their hardiness outside, because mine are raised indoors. I handle mine daily, but I also have several that are wild regardless. They’re very attractive, tiny birds despite any negative qualities. If you choose to raise them, you’ll enjoy it. 🙂
@peafowl_Lover I spoke to my friend that keeps both buttons and other quails here in the Scottish borders and she says they can do outside with shelter but would rather move into a shed or similar during winter.
I have met hers and they are reasonably tame. Not like pets but they will not panic when approached and they can be handled, they will however not choose your company.
She has a lot of them though so there isn't much one-to-one interaction.

They are SO cute though! If I didn't have my cat....
@peafowl_Lover I spoke to my friend that keeps both buttons and other quails here in the Scottish borders and she says they can do outside with shelter but would rather move into a shed or similar during winter.
I have met hers and they are reasonably tame. Not like pets but they will not panic when approached and they can be handled, they will however not choose your company.
She has a lot of them though so there isn't much one-to-one interaction.

They are SO cute though! If I didn't have my cat....
You can have cats and buttons. They do need to be in a sturdy enough pen, though...
This is what I have in my living room.
You can have cats and buttons. They do need to be in a sturdy enough pen, though...
This is what I have in my living room.
That looks great but I feel like it would just stress everyone out in the long run. I live in a one bedroom flat so no one would ever get any rest, and all the animals would be stressed out I think.
I will leave the buttons to my friend and just go to see them now and again. 🙂
I don't think I will get them I've looked over the pros and cons, I feel the cats will stress them out and I do like birds that u can pick up and snuggle, I might just get standard quail or call ducks.
I think it's great that you did your research before getting them. I can't count the number of critters I have wanted then decided against after finding out exactly what their needs are.

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