Jul 16, 2016 #1 squizz 66 Hatching Jul 16, 2016 5 0 7 Australia Hi Could someone please help me identify the colour and sex of this button quail? Thanks [/IMG][/IMG]
Hi Could someone please help me identify the colour and sex of this button quail? Thanks [/IMG][/IMG]
Jul 16, 2016 Thread starter #2 squizz 66 Hatching Jul 16, 2016 5 0 7 Australia Here are two more pics
Jul 16, 2016 #3 AustralorpsAU Songster May 20, 2016 1,247 131 141 Down Under I would say a cinnamon female quail you have. Might be wrong though.... usually males have white stripes soon their face
I would say a cinnamon female quail you have. Might be wrong though.... usually males have white stripes soon their face
Jul 16, 2016 #4 AustralorpsAU Songster May 20, 2016 1,247 131 141 Down Under https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/396551/cinnamon-button-hens There are some pics of them on this thread
https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/396551/cinnamon-button-hens There are some pics of them on this thread
Jul 16, 2016 Thread starter #5 squizz 66 Hatching Jul 16, 2016 5 0 7 Australia Thanks zadebrown01, I did think it was female but it sounded like it was crowing today he/she is about 12 weeks old. No rust on the vent area but vent looks femlale?
Thanks zadebrown01, I did think it was female but it sounded like it was crowing today he/she is about 12 weeks old. No rust on the vent area but vent looks femlale?
Jul 16, 2016 #6 AustralorpsAU Songster May 20, 2016 1,247 131 141 Down Under If it it 12 weeks old you would definitely see white stripes. I she the only one you have?
Jul 16, 2016 Thread starter #7 squizz 66 Hatching Jul 16, 2016 5 0 7 Australia Yes only one I have. I have just put it with a silver cock bird as I don't have the parents and then breed back from the splits?
Yes only one I have. I have just put it with a silver cock bird as I don't have the parents and then breed back from the splits?
Jul 20, 2016 Thread starter #8 squizz 66 Hatching Jul 16, 2016 5 0 7 Australia Yes def a female as it layed an egg this week. Is it possible this is a cinnamon red breasted female?
Yes def a female as it layed an egg this week. Is it possible this is a cinnamon red breasted female?