Call duck drake and full size hen???


Oct 29, 2021
Has anyone ever seen a call duck Drake mate successfully with a full size hen?

We added their kiddie pool back to the pen last night because we are getting ready for "spring" and it's the first time in about 3-4 months that the big girls have had something they're willing to swim in and he absolutely tried to take advantage of that.
My big girls are all hatchery stock but I have a Blue swedish, a Welsh Harlequin, a silver appleyard, and a magpie. He is blue bibbed and he does have a black bibbed call hen in with them but she is not interest in swimming and is not yet laying so I don't think he's shown any interest in her.
I am trying to get at least one more female his size but that's probably not going to happen until after breeding season. If he gets frustrated with the big hen and starts focusing on the single call hen I do have a drake jail I can put him in, but as long as everyone's happy I would rather not separate.

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