call duck source?


6 Years
Apr 8, 2018
Western Massachusetts
Anyone know a good source to find female call ducks? I recently got a couple, and will likely look to expand (maybe next year). They seem hard to find. I got my few off craigslist, this can't be the only option...
Anyone know a good source to find female call ducks? I recently got a couple, and will likely look to expand (maybe next year). They seem hard to find. I got my few off craigslist, this can't be the only option...
I would try your local/state poultry groups on Facebook. That's where I buy/sell. You can't put prices in posts so if you see any, just message the person. You could post you're looking for some and give your location as well.

Also, have you tried asking in your state group on here?

Good luck!

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