Calling all fancy Goldie keepers!!!

Okay. I think I will do two Goldie’s and have lots of plants and sponge filters.

I have read a lot of controversial things about planted Goldie tanks and I want to do it because it looks good. But I hear that the eat the plants even the stem plants
Yes goldish do like to eat plants. You just have to research on plants that goldfish usually wont eat.
Okay that’s the other thing what do I use? Sand or gravel not aqua soil because the Goldie’s can choke on them.
I have been using gravel for almost 2 years (this January) and like it a lot. I have heard people say that goldies will choke on gravel but I use pea pebbles from home depot without a problem as they just spit it back out. Fancy goldfish tend to be a bit more... special though so I am not sure.


sorry for the bad pictures, I am in the middle of a water change but these are my 5
What plants do you guys recomend for some Goldie’s? I know I want to grow some pothos out of the top because I already have some pothos in a pot, maybe some java ferns?
What plants do you guys recomend for some Goldie’s? I know I want to grow some pothos out of the top because I already have some pothos in a pot, maybe some java ferns?
my brother has an anubias, amazon swords and a java fern with his. he had a fantail and a common but his fantail just died a few weeks ago. the java fern isn't doing great but the other two are doing pretty good. the java fern was super small when he put it in though so that is probably why

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