Hello first time post. Long story ill try to keep it short. We have 7 hens now and want to get more. We have purchased the hens as Ready to Lay, but now have just ordered 20 chicks to grow the flock. With the new chicks I have planned to build a whole new bigger coop in another part of the yard. So that leaves me with the old coop, can i use it to brood the chicks? It has electricity in it for a heat source. The space is 8'x8' inside and lots of space outside for the run. We would move the other hens to the new coop and run. So can i just clean it out well and throw down some new shavings and let the chicks free in there? or would i need to partition off a smaller space within the coop to keep them contained? There is a door to outside that will stay closed until they are less heat dependent. Any help is appreciated