Can Anybody Tell What Gender These 7 Week Old Silkie Chicks Are?


9 Years
Apr 25, 2015
Mustang, Ok
These chicks will be 7 weeks in a couple of days. Neither show any sign of a comb. The buff one is a little bigger than all the rest of the chicks in the group, but not much. I'm also wondering what color you might call the dark one. It started out shades of brown. Now it is mostly gray. Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your expertise!

Silkies are extremely difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not even until they crow or lay eggs. You can see the comb on the buff where it is looking forward - silkies do NOT get a red comb. It will continue to be black or dark gray. At this any opinion is really just a guess.
So hoping to get a head start...but I may just have to wait it out. I've already got two young Marans cockerels I'm trying to decide between ( and no idea about the criteria.
). Thanks for your input, drumstick diva:) I appreciate all advice!
Thanks, CascadiaRiver:) I'd hoped the dark one might be a Partridge. And I feared they were both cockerels. I'll continue to watch them both. I have 3 "buffs", so if this one's a cockerel it won't be too sad for me. None of the buffs have very good personalities. I wonder if this is common? My dark ones are all very personable. Anyway, Your input is greatly appreciated!
Thanks, CascadiaRiver:) I'd hoped the dark one might be a Partridge. And I feared they were both cockerels. I'll continue to watch them both. I have 3 "buffs", so if this one's a cockerel it won't be too sad for me. None of the buffs have very good personalities. I wonder if this is common? My dark ones are all very personable. Anyway, Your input is greatly appreciated!
I am friends with a breeder and all buffs she hatches and raise have bad personalities, I have no idea why, and all of her white ones are super friendly! Its strange XD My blue partridge I had a while back (cockerel) was a sweet heart, wasn't AS sweet as the black silkie sister but still one hell of a friendly little dude <3
So hoping to get a head start...but I may just have to wait it out. I've already got two young Marans cockerels I'm trying to decide between ( and no idea about the criteria.
). Thanks for your input, drumstick diva:) I appreciate all advice!
Marans can't be shown to my knowledge so there isnt a offical standard for them, just regular overall chicken criteria, like "Tails too high" Or "not solid enough in colour" compared to standard birds being "The toenails are the wrong colour" and "The eyes aren't dark enough" and such XD XD
Though if you made/make a forum about the Maran boys I'd love to see! :)
Oh! I should have been more clear...I have two Marans cockerels and only want to keep one;) They're as different as night and day. One is big and pretty, but aggressive. The other is definitely the beta - with no tail feathers. Whoever heard of that? Not a single one!

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