Ugh...McMurray has struck again...but for the first and last time at our house. I THOUGHT I knew exactly what she was...until I realized I had no clue what she is. I have spent so. many. hours. pouring over thousands of photos...and I have NO CLUE what she is. I even checked, double checked, triple & quadruple checked McMurray's list of birds. She came in our Ameraucana order...(none of which were actual Ameraucanas, surprise surprise) and she seems to be the SOLE hen we got in our order!! Ugh. So, she was a beautiful chipmunk chick, the poster child for the silver ameraucana chicks...she looked EXACTLY like the photos, so there was no doubt in our minds. Her feathers came in exactly how we expected them to as well. Our first doubt came when she appeared to be double breasted, unlike our real ameraucana chicks (from a breeder). Then she wasn't growing muffs or a beard (silvers tend to grow slower than the other colors, so we're still good, right?) Then I noticed those black dots on her chest...well those definitely shouldn't be there. Then it hit me...we unchecked the mystery chick box...we weren't supposed to get any extra chick or any mystery chick...but we did. We had an extra chick we didn't order. So, we're thinking she's either a clean faced EE, or she's a mystery chick. Either way, my mind is just dying to know...Tia!