Can chickens eat feeder fish from petsmart

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
I have fed them rosy red minnows which are less than an inch long, I wanna upgrade them to comet goldfish which are around 2'5 inches or so. Also how many can they eat.

Remember, I treat them like the kings and queens that my baby silkies are so they get to eat all they want, and that means feeder fish too!
Feeder fish are very often unhealthy themselves, if not flat out sick. I

Seriously, your birds don't need all these treats, just give them some wet food or fruits/vegetables as a treat
really? feeder animals like crickets for reptiles and fish for large fish often have to be fed protien diets so they are gut loaded and stuff

but yeah vegies work too. I have given they strawberries and blueberries and put 3 cups of assorted blackberries blueberries and stuff into a cup them froze it into a massive block of ice to cool them down and they did nothing but walk 3 feet away from it at all times since they were scared of it and never made any attempts to eat any of the fruits
Yes, I do like to sometimes give my chickens popcorn and mealworms, but not often. It’s really healthier for them to eat, well, healthy stuff. I think @Kiki agrees.

As much as they might enjoy it, they sure won’t be having fun when they get sick. It’s also money out of your pocket.
Seems like you are always feeding them treats.

Limit it to once or twice a week, they don't need fish. They get everything they need from their feed and they'll be just as happy with some leftover strawberries.
I just forage around the backyard for what I know is safe for them, if i spot pill bugs or roaches or something then its for the chickens but other than that i dont feed them a lot of treats although i do play with them a lot
Fish are not gut loaded. Neither are feeder insects unless it specifically says they are. Even so, they are gut loaded with nutrients geared toward herps. Not for chickens. So that part doesn't really matter anyway.

Goldfish are absolutely terrible to use as feeders for anything really. Stick with treats suitable for chickens.

Crickets or roaches would be great snacks in moderation. As well as fruits/veggies. Just don't gutload your chickens on treats.
really? feeder animals like crickets for reptiles and fish for large fish often have to be fed protien diets so they are gut loaded and stuff

but yeah vegies work too. I have given they strawberries and blueberries and put 3 cups of assorted blackberries blueberries and stuff into a cup them froze it into a massive block of ice to cool them down and they did nothing but walk 3 feet away from it at all times since they were scared of it and never made any attempts to eat any of the fruits
Really. Those tanks full of feeders at Wal-Mart and petstores are the nightmares of predatory fish keepers. They're fed cheap food and sold with penny thin margins to make any type of profit off them
My backyard has blue-bellied fence lizards and the chickens will eat them IF they can catch them! I've seen it happen a few times over the last 10 years! Otherwise, I just give meal worms & beetles as treats because they free-range all day long. On hot days, they get watermellon slices, apples and frozen veggies. They also get pellet feed (which they ignore unless I make a mash out of it) and hen scratch scattered about the yard. They mostly go for the scratch and live bugs they dig up. They LOVE when I come out and weed the flower beds for them!!!

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