I have a Dominique hen who’s wanting to hatch out some eggs. I don’t need any more chickens right now (except for liege fighters), but I could definitely use some friendlier Guinea keets! Could she sit on them and hatch them? I’m aware the incubation time is a bit longer than it is for chickens. What about ducks? Could she hatch out ducks? What if it’s a mixed batch of more than one kind of bird? If I make sure to get the timing right, like putting guineas under her 6 days earlier than chickens, etc, could I have her hatch out multiple kinds of poultry in one clutch? I would like to put a couple of the liege fighter eggs in there if that’s a possibility.
Mostly I just want to know if she can sit on another breed of poultry eggs and raise them just fine.
My guineas are so skittish that I wouldn’t want them raising the next generation. They’d only teach them to be scared of me. But this hen? She’s so sweet. I know guineas are a bit wild anyway, but they’d surely be much tamer with her as their mom.
I read somewhere on the backyard chicken website that they could bond or… what was the word? Attach? Something like that, to a different breed. Then they’d try to mate with them, which could cause damage to the smaller party. That is cause for concern for me. Is this true?
Mostly I just want to know if she can sit on another breed of poultry eggs and raise them just fine.

I read somewhere on the backyard chicken website that they could bond or… what was the word? Attach? Something like that, to a different breed. Then they’d try to mate with them, which could cause damage to the smaller party. That is cause for concern for me. Is this true?
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