Can I hatch a bielefelder chick from a barred rock rooster and a rhode island red hen?


Apr 26, 2023
Will a bielefelder chick hatch from a plymouth barred rock rooster and a rhode island red hen? Or, would that be more possible with the following hen choices?: ameraucana, black australorp, silver laced wyandotte, or lavender orpington.
Will a bielefelder chick hatch from a plymouth barred rock rooster and a rhode island red hen? Or, would that be more possible with the following hen choices?: ameraucana, black australorp, silver laced wyandotte, or lavender orpington.
You can only get a pure Bielefelder chick if you breed two Bielefelders. Otherwise it is just a mix
Will a bielefelder chick hatch from a plymouth barred rock rooster and a rhode island red hen? Or, would that be more possible with the following hen choices?: ameraucana, black australorp, silver laced wyandotte, or lavender orpington.
Will a bielefelder chick hatch from a plymouth barred rock rooster and a rhode island red hen? Or, would that be more possible with the following hen choices?: ameraucana, black australorp, silver laced wyandotte, or lavender orpington.

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