Can I Have 2 Roosters?


Aug 12, 2017
We currently have 6 mature hens and 2 mature Drake Pekin ducks. We just picked up 12 chicks after enlarging our coop. I suspect that we have 1 Salmon Faverolle and 1 New Hampshire Red rooster out of the lot. I also let everyone out to free range during the day in a 1/4 acre predator safe yard. We live in Washington and during the wet weather the chickens usually choose to stay in the coop. Based on our flock size and coop space, do you think I can keep both roosters?

P.S. There are two coops (one on each end of the runs) and there is a door that can separate the two yards. The dimensions of the main coop and run are 7'x20'
coop (1).JPG
I have had as many a 3 roosters with 16 hens. One roo, Cockymonkey, was top dog and would take after the other 2, Pete and Repeat, if they tried to breed the hens. Eventually one hen started staying with Pete and 2 started hanging out with Repeat. This was with 10x 14 worth of coop space and free ranging over about 2 acres. If you really want to keep both roos give it a try but be aware that it may come down to getting rid of one if the roos can't get along or if the hens are taking too much "abuse".

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