Can I portion out my mareks vaccine instead of mixing the whole thing


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2023
Hi I got some mareks vaccine to vaccinate some chicks I’m hatching out for a friend before I got it I thought I could just keep it in the fridge after I mixed it for later it’s 1000 dose but I only have 6 chicks to vaccinate the powder part of the vaccine came in a resealable vial instead of an ample was wondering if anyone has done this before like portioned out the liquid and powder for the amount of chicks you have instead of mixing it all
As far as I know, the vaccine is reconstituted with the diligent/water, and it has to be used in a hour. So ,no, I don’t think you can portion it out. You can read the online directions for the vaccine where you are buying it.
the powder part of the vaccine came in a resealable vial
My coffee also comes in a "resealable" container.. but it's nitrogen flushed before I open it.. which prevents oxygen from interacting with the contents. It quickly oxidizes and degrades thereafter.

The 1000 dose vial is what keeps many small hatchers from vaccinating. If the cost is worth it.. to the keeper.. then it's irrelevant how many doses go in the trash.

The dosage is so small to the chick.. there is no way to accurately mix smaller doses.. best I can tell from looking at the vaccines that seem to be commonly available. I highly recommend against your proposed ideal.. and chalk it up to a cheap enough lesson learned but not worth risking future hatches.

Happy hatching! :jumpy :jumpy
Well that makes sense that the small vial of virus is powder, darn I was hoping to split mine as well to not waste it, but my four babies are worth $25 a piece they will be pampered pets, but I wish they made smaller batches! My question is can I just use an insulin hypodermic?

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