Can my hen eat beef liver two times a day everyday during recovery?


Obsessed with Animals🦆🐓🐥🐴🐱🐶
Oct 16, 2021
Don’t have time to explain everything but I have a hen who had some bad struggles with nasal blockage and debris in there, worked with a vet several times and spent a lot more time and money than anyone thought I should on this hen, and she is now gladly doing better. Only problem is her appetite. Vet said to just try to keep giving her what she’ll eat as she goes thru the antibiotic withdrawal period so she cannot be with her flock mates. She is in a mini coop with one other hen, and only wants to eat mealworms and beef liver. My question is, Will prolonged time of eating mostly beef liver harm her? I will ask my avian vet next time I talk to him, just wanted to ask opinions here.
I would feed it to her raw, but just a bit. If you wet down her normal feed (or soak it if it is whole grain) it may be more appetizing. A little garlic powder mixed in makes it tasty and is good for her health.

If she has been on antibiotics she will need probiotics. Kefir is best, if you can get it.
Will prolonged time of eating mostly beef liver harm her?
Probably, if it continues long. Cooked liver is very, very rich in vitamin A, vit b2, vit b12, and methionine (amongst other things in less generous quantities), and excess of anything can be toxic.

I am a fan of letting chickens exercise their own judgement when it comes to deciding what to eat, when, and how much, but for that system to work the chicken must have a large and diverse choice from which to make its selection. Otherwise it will eat what's available, however good or bad, because the alternative is starvation.

If your bird has been on antibiotics, her microbiome will have taken a battering, and her gastrointestinal tract will now be vulnerable to over-colonisation by unfriendly bacteria and other undesirables that are normally held in check by good bacteria in the gut. (Antibiotics don't distinguish and kill the lot, the good as well as the bad.) So I would give things like fermented foods with lactobacilli e.g. plain natural live yogurt, to repopulate the gut asap with good bacteria. Buttermilk with plain cooked rice is also easy on the gut while it's recovering. Thinly sliced peanut butter sandwiches go down well with invalids here.

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