So I've just started hatching from my paint satin/silkies and my BBS silkies.
My only blue silkie hen that's laying went broody so I decided to let her test fertility before I incubated them myself.
The paint pen contains a Paint frizzle silkie rooster over a Paint satin and a White satin- (These guys being new I've yet to determine whether or not she's recessive white or not, i haven't hatched a chick off her yet. Hopefully she's recessive.)
For the BBS pen I've only got a mature pair and then a bunch of grow outs and young pullets.
The mature pair is a Blue frizzle silkie rooster and a Blue silkie hen (The one brooding currently.)
To get to the point, the blue hen's chicks have started hatching and as of this morning there's 4 chicks. 2 blues, 1 paint and a "partridge". .
Now when i discovered this I thought one of the White satin's eggs hatched, and she must be dominant white. But according to the 4 eggs shells from the 4 chicks, 3 blue silkie eggs and. paint satin egg hatched.
(These eggs were marked, none of these empty shells said a white satin egg hatched.)
Since there's 3 blue silkie egg shells and only 2 blue silkies, the partridge had to of came from them. Thoughts?
There's a good chance she'll have 6 more chicks to look at from the bbs and paints in the next day or two.
I will get pictures of the chick later today, for now here's ALL the parents lol.
Paint pen:
BBS pen:
My only blue silkie hen that's laying went broody so I decided to let her test fertility before I incubated them myself.
The paint pen contains a Paint frizzle silkie rooster over a Paint satin and a White satin- (These guys being new I've yet to determine whether or not she's recessive white or not, i haven't hatched a chick off her yet. Hopefully she's recessive.)
For the BBS pen I've only got a mature pair and then a bunch of grow outs and young pullets.
The mature pair is a Blue frizzle silkie rooster and a Blue silkie hen (The one brooding currently.)
To get to the point, the blue hen's chicks have started hatching and as of this morning there's 4 chicks. 2 blues, 1 paint and a "partridge". .
Now when i discovered this I thought one of the White satin's eggs hatched, and she must be dominant white. But according to the 4 eggs shells from the 4 chicks, 3 blue silkie eggs and. paint satin egg hatched.
(These eggs were marked, none of these empty shells said a white satin egg hatched.)
Since there's 3 blue silkie egg shells and only 2 blue silkies, the partridge had to of came from them. Thoughts?
There's a good chance she'll have 6 more chicks to look at from the bbs and paints in the next day or two.
I will get pictures of the chick later today, for now here's ALL the parents lol.
Paint pen:
BBS pen: