Can you help me hatch my first batch of eggs



Mar 22, 2024
So I have a couple of fertilized eggs from my silkie bantam and I'm probably going to need lots of help on what to do during the incubating process. I am completely experienced on what to do after they hatch. Anyway, I have a day 20 egg. I candled it last night and saw a chicken shadow body and saw it's head almost touching the air cell. I did have a blood ring on day 7 but I didn't throw it away and It has been developing idk if that has to do with anything. But the chicken egg hasn't pipped yet. Do I make a little hole in the air cell?
So I have a couple of fertilized eggs from my silkie bantam and I'm probably going to need lots of help on what to do during the incubating process. I am completely experienced on what to do after they hatch. Anyway, I have a day 20 egg. I candled it last night and saw a chicken shadow body and saw it's head almost touching the air cell. I did have a blood ring on day 7 but I didn't throw it away and It has been developing idk if that has to do with anything. But the chicken egg hasn't pipped yet. Do I make a little hole in the air cell?
No, don't mess with it yet. They're suppose to hatch on day 21 and is probably preparing to internally pip.
Okay turns out the embryo died a while back and was just floating around. Anyway I have this egg that is my fav to candle bc it just such an active embryo. It's a day 19 now. It was on a dry hatch but since I got my real incubator 2 days ago it is now on a humidity of 75%. Should I have done that? When should I expect a pip? Also the incubator seems to just turn it half ways then turn it back to exact same spot in one turning. Is that good or bad? Also I haven't candled the egg since day 18 but I was only able to see the air cell and everything else was black so that indicates it's alive right?
Okay turns out the embryo died a while back and was just floating around. Anyway I have this egg that is my fav to candle bc it just such an active embryo. It's a day 19 now. It was on a dry hatch but since I got my real incubator 2 days ago it is now on a humidity of 75%. Should I have done that? When should I expect a pip? Also the incubator seems to just turn it half ways then turn it back to exact same spot in one turning. Is that good or bad? Also I haven't candled the egg since day 18 but I was only able to see the air cell and everything else was black so that indicates it's alive right?
It should internally pip in the next couple of days and externally pip about a day after you have the turner off.

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