Can you improperly vaccinate chicks, leading to exposure from the vaccine liquid?


May 21, 2024
Hello, my 8 week old chick has become sick. She's not able to stand and I'm worried it's Mareks.

When they were hatched at my house, I vaccinated the 7 chicks. It was my first time, and I'm wondering if I didn't get the vaccine liquid in the skin correctly. I know this one couldn't have gotten Mareks from the other hens because they are all vaccinated by the breeder, so I trust that. But I'm wondering if I, being my first time in the vaccinating process, did it incorrectly on some of the chicks, and wondering if the live virus on their skin could have given them the disease.

Again, not 100% sure it is Mareks, but it's sudden onset of leg paralysis right now. I actually just picked her up and she kicked her legs a bit, so not complete paralysis. But very little movement unless I pick her up. I don't think there's a possibility of trauma given the temp. coup situation and I don't believe any animals could have possibly gotten in there to harm them. Her eyes don't look like the Marek eyes I've seen pictures of.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The Marek's vaccine does not actually give marek's to the birds so don't worry if it did come in contact with her skin. The vaccine gives the chickens immune system exposure to a related virus (I believe it's some form of turkey marek's, but could be wrong) which builds resistance. The vaccine does not prevent them from getting the virus. If they come in contact with the marek's they can still catch it without showing any symptoms and can spread it to other birds.
It is very rare for chicks this young to develop Marek's so I wouldn't immediately jump to that conclusion. Are her legs actually paralyzed or does she just sit in a corner fluffed up? Any unusual poops? What is their diet?
The Marek's vaccine does not actually give marek's to the birds so don't worry if it did come in contact with her skin. The vaccine gives the chickens immune system exposure to a related virus (I believe it's some form of turkey marek's, but could be wrong) which builds resistance. The vaccine does not prevent them from getting the virus. If they come in contact with the marek's they can still catch it without showing any symptoms and can spread it to other birds.
It is very rare for chicks this young to develop Marek's so I wouldn't immediately jump to that conclusion. Are her legs actually paralyzed or does she just sit in a corner fluffed up? Any unusual poops? What is their diet?
Thanks for replying. Just to repeat that back, you don't think it's possible to administer the vaccine incorrectly and inadvertently expose the chick to the disease from the vaccine liquid alone? They have been isolated far from the rest of the flock, so I imagine they couldn't have gotten it from any a-symptomatic carriers in the rest of my flock, all of which were vaccinated already.

Checking again, I don't think it's paralysis, because there is some movement. I just lifted her and propped her up, and she is standing for the moment, but looks so tired and like she wants to fall over. Do you think it's more of a vitamin deficiency thing? Just yesterday she seemed fine, eating and drinking and hopping around. I didn't notice anything strange. Here's some photos of what they've all been eating:


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Thanks for replying. Just to repeat that back, you don't think it's possible to administer the vaccine incorrectly and inadvertently expose the chick to the disease from the vaccine liquid alone? They have been isolated far from the rest of the flock, so I imagine they couldn't have gotten it from any a-symptomatic carriers in the rest of my flock, all of which were vaccinated already.
As far as I'm aware, no. As I said before, the vaccine is not actually a stain of chicken Marek's so it should not give her any symptoms.
Checking again, I don't think it's paralysis, because there is some movement. I just lifted her and propped her up, and she is standing for the moment, but looks so tired and like she wants to fall over. Do you think it's more of a vitamin deficiency thing? Just yesterday she seemed fine, eating and drinking and hopping around. I didn't notice anything strange. Here's some photos of what they've all been eating:
It could be, but it could be something else like cocci. Could you post a picture of your chick?
As far as I'm aware, no. As I said before, the vaccine is not actually a stain of chicken Marek's so it should not give her any symptoms.

It could be, but it could be something else like cocci. Could you post a picture of your chick?
It's kinda hard to get a good picture. She's at least standing up now. She's pecked at the food a little, but I don't think she's eaten any. She hasn't drank any water on her own, but I held a water dish to her beak and it looks like she took a couple sips. Her poop was pretty solid and normal chicken looking this morning, but it's been more runny in the last couple hours.
As far as I'm aware, no. As I said before, the vaccine is not actually a stain of chicken Marek's so it should not give her any symptoms.

It could be, but it could be something else like cocci. Could you post a picture of your chick?
It's been a day now and she's not eating or drinking anything. Sometimes squatting on both legs, but mostly just laying there not moving.
It's been a day now and she's not eating or drinking anything. Sometimes squatting on both legs, but mostly just laying there not moving.
Sorry to hear she's doing worse. I would treat her for coccidiosis. It's 2tsp of liquid Corid or 1.5tsp of Corid powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. It is safe for all the other chicks to drink. I would dip her beak in the water once or twice a day to make sure she is getting it in her system.

@azygous or @Eggcessive may be able to give your more advice. I hope your chick is able to recover.
Photos of the chick and poop?

What breed is this chick?

You're feeding a loose type food, I'd soak it to help incorporate the ingredients, some chickens only pick out pieces they like and leave the rest, this can cause a nutritional deficiency. Or switch to a chick starter crumble.

What's her crop like, it is emptying?

I'd start her on B2 (Riboflavin), if you are treating for Coccidiosis with Corid, don't give extra vitamins that contain B1(Thiamine).

Work on hydration, get fluids into her, then work on her eating once she's drinking.

As for vaccination causing this? Possible, anything is possible. 8 weeks old, yes, possible that is Marek's. Usually symptoms of Marek's are seen *around* 12weeks +, but that's averages, so younger/older, there's too many factors - if you lose the chick, get a necropsy through your State Lab, this will give you the most information.

The vaccine does not prevent infection from the virus, it can help stop the formation of tumors.

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