This is my first Canadian winter owning chickens. I’m trying to determine what bedding to use in the run as temperatures can get to as low as -30 Celsius. I was thinking of using all purpose or construction sand mixed with some DE sprinkled on top (and raked in) and then wrapping the run with a vapor barrier for when frost hits to help with the freezing aspect of sand. I know coconut litter is better but I don’t think I can afford that because I have access to a lot of construction or all purpose sand near me. What are your thoughts / suggestions for those in similar weather situations and zones?

This is my first Canadian winter owning chickens. I’m trying to determine what bedding to use in the run as temperatures can get to as low as -30 Celsius. I was thinking of using all purpose or construction sand mixed with some DE sprinkled on top (and raked in) and then wrapping the run with a vapor barrier for when frost hits to help with the freezing aspect of sand. I know coconut litter is better but I don’t think I can afford that because I have access to a lot of construction or all purpose sand near me. What are your thoughts / suggestions for those in similar weather situations and zones?