Can't get duck to take Niacin


Apr 19, 2024
I have six Indian runner ducks. About two weeks old. One of them is wobbly and stepping on it's feet, falls backwards frequently and skiddish. I think it's niacin deficiency.

Currently she is being fed dumor duck feed (has niacin in it) and brewers yeast sprinkles on it.

After researching the forums I went out and got niacin tablets. I crushed them added them to water and separated her from the rest. I haven't gotten her to eat or drink from what I've seen but I will see in the morning if the water has moved at all - I made a mark on the bowl.

I feel bad she is alone and can tell she's upset because she's trying to get to the other ducks but I really need to asses if she's taking anything in.

I bought a syringe but can't get her to take any water with niacin from it. What else can I do? Anything I should do in the morning if the water has or hasn't moved?
This is super helpful thank you. I'm paranoid I will give it too much liquid with the duck being so tiny even though the instructions are clear. I could try the mealworm method or it looks like a drip method.

I haven't given them mealworms yet as they are two weeks.

I Assume a few drops at a time if I can open the beak or the mealworm would be okay?

Sorry first time duck mom. Really trying to make sure I do it right!
I gave my Runner ducklings mealworms at 2 weeks old as a treat I crush them a little in my hand first. Then put the liquid BComplex over the mealworms. Make sure the one having the problem get full dose.
Don't separate her from the group, she will be very upset. There's no need for that! You can give all the ducklings liquid vitamin B complex and no harm will come if they don't need it or get too much. Watermelon and cucumber are two treats that absorb it, as well as meal worms and bread. If she's alone and scared she may not eat, so keep her with the group!

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