cats and ducks

Many people keep cats and ducks together. But since animals have their own personalities with no guarantees, I would watch closely. I would guess a kitten and adult ducks would be most likely to work out.
That's what I was thinking. We have so many fields around us and needless to say, mice. I've noticed a mouse running through their kennel when I say my good nights and I don't put out poison because of the ducks and my dog. I got a live trap and manage to catch one or 2 the next morning but I'm sure there are more running around! There are bait holders but just so any rodent can get in to eat some poison then go somewhere to die. I haven't found a trap that actually keeps the poison and the rodent inside. I talked to people at the mercantile and they said the best thing is a cat. I just have to try to keep all my animal family getting along! lol My husband was concerned about the cat in the winter and I just told him I think if we get a kitten it would get used to being with the ducks and would house with them.
At first you had me going, huh? okay.. i get it now.. i have a farm cat, he doesn't pay any mind to the ducks.. the ducks have been raised with him... he definitely keeps mice down on the farm but he's housed in my small hay barn that is why he is here... although he has cuddled down in the duck barn to sleep now & then...

I have Muscovy though so BIG ducks they aren't the kind most cats would attempt to 'take on' however it truly does depend on the personality of the cat plus as a kitten they are crazy little monkey's loving to play.. so i wouldn't suggest a single one, it might be to rough with the ducks in looking for a playmate.
My ducks attack and beat up the dogs and have killed mice and songbirds and one time a chipmunk. They can be vicious and I would worry about a kitten. Maybe an older cat with plenty of hiding spots.
My ducks attack and beat up the dogs and have killed mice and songbirds and one time a chipmunk. They can be vicious and I would worry about a kitten. Maybe an older cat with plenty of hiding spots.
Mine too. my two have chased and attacked dogs of all sizes and foxes, killed pidgeons and badly injured a wild mallard who decided to pick a fight. also cats near me stay well away from my ducks in fear of them. the problem would me damage to the cat. depending on the size and temperment of your ducks with other animals you may be able to create an excellent freindship however if the ducks seem to dack a negative interest in the kitten i would say keep it away from the ducks. not only can the ducks hurt it but thoes tiny claws can do damage especially in defense.
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My muscovy drake would mangle a kitten for sure. He chases our full grown cats and tries to jump them, and the mother duck would attack anything that came near the ducklings.

I would weigh this very carefully. It seems to me like you could be trading one "animal problem" (rats) for another (cat). Neither is particularly great to have around ducks. And besides, cats are not social animals, so they wouldn't bond to the flock--that's why most people use dogs to guard livestock, since they will bond to them and actively try to protect them. I can only see a cat either being terrified all the time of the adult ducks, or trying to eat ducklings when the adults turn their backs. I'd consider live mouse traps or something else not dangerous to the ducks, or smoking the rodents out and killing them if you have a serious infestation. But still, there are always going to be a few rodents around--it's a fact of life.
My muscovy drake would mangle a kitten for sure. He chases our full grown cats and tries to jump them, and the mother duck would attack anything that came near the ducklings.

I would weigh this very carefully. It seems to me like you could be trading one "animal problem" (rats) for another (cat). Neither is particularly great to have around ducks. And besides, cats are not social animals, so they wouldn't bond to the flock--that's why most people use dogs to guard livestock, since they will bond to them and actively try to protect them. I can only see a cat either being terrified all the time of the adult ducks, or trying to eat ducklings when the adults turn their backs. I'd consider live mouse traps or something else not dangerous to the ducks, or smoking the rodents out and killing them if you have a serious infestation. But still, there are always going to be a few rodents around--it's a fact of life.
I agree. cats might just turn out to be more of a problem then youd hope for.


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