Cayuga Ducks - When do they lay their eggs?


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2024
The above says it all...

I'm from Cape Town, South Africa (RSA)

We are in the season of "winter" right now. Spring will arrive in September. So I was wondering if anyone knows more or less when our female will lay her egg/s ?

I got them thru a friend who knew of someone that had Cayuga ducks and the babies that were then at the time around 3 or 4 months (they were just passed their fledgling stage as you could see their fluffiness was fading away)

I am aware that brother and sister ducks can breed. It depends on the generation and if we lucky they lay eggs or not

Hence the question asked about when to expect them laying eggs (if lucky or not)

They are currently mating at the moment since April month
Could be any day if they are mating. When my Runners stated mating at 4 months it was around 2-3 weeks after that eggs began to come. This was in late summer so your girls may wait till spring. Hard to say they have their own time line. I have a Cayuga but she’s 4 yrs old and I’ve only had her since this past Jan. I sure do love this breed. How about some pictures?

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