Cecal-like poo from one chick frequently


Apr 18, 2024
Niskayuna, NY
Hello! Advice would be greatly appreciated.

Family picked up 6 babies on Friday (4/12) … 2 buff orps, 2 Easter eggers, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, and a Delaware.

One Orp has had me concerned since day 2. She had some watery diarrhea that day, and I’m anxious by nature. She also seems to be growing a bit slower than her sibling Orp … just slightly shorter and her feather development is a bit behind (only just getting tail pins, the others have started them already)

I had to vacate with the birds (also have a parrot) for surprise remediation from a sewage break (ugh) to my mother’s house 30 minutes away.

In here for another day because I’m unsure of the safety of “Thornell Odorcide” on the delicate respiratory system of avians… my husband thinks I’m nuts. Maybe I am.

Anyway, They did fine, adjusted nicely but the one Orp, I noticed, had two what looked like cecal poos back to back … I thought this odd (I have them on a puppy pad and was hovering over them constantly checking temps and generally keeping an eye on them and what have you).

A few hours later I noticed she did it again.. and I mean within a few min of each other. One had more solid fecal matter in it but it definitely wasn’t “normal” … she was crazy and fiesty as ever all day, jump kicking with the others, showing off her fluttering skills, trying to dust bathe and perching masterfully on a little roost bar.

I’m losing sleep over this little one, literally. They are on medicated feed… everyone else has very normal poo and energy levels too. I’m trying to figure out if I need to walk to the feed store and grab corid (as I understand she might be a bit young for coccoidosis if the ages are correct?) or something else … I feel incredibly on edge because my 5 year old daughter’s favorite animals are chickens and we finally were able to get them and she named every one (baby in question is “Honey”). I also love chickens, hah.

Thank you…

Edit: forgot age of acquisition: apparently day-olds.
Hello! Advice would be greatly appreciated.

Family picked up 6 babies on Friday (4/12) … 2 buff orps, 2 Easter eggers, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, and a Delaware.

One Orp has had me concerned since day 2. She had some watery diarrhea that day, and I’m anxious by nature. She also seems to be growing a bit slower than her sibling Orp … just slightly shorter and her feather development is a bit behind (only just getting tail pins, the others have started them already)

I had to vacate with the birds (also have a parrot) for surprise remediation from a sewage break (ugh) to my mother’s house 30 minutes away.

In here for another day because I’m unsure of the safety of “Thornell Odorcide” on the delicate respiratory system of avians… my husband thinks I’m nuts. Maybe I am.

Anyway, They did fine, adjusted nicely but the one Orp, I noticed, had two what looked like cecal poos back to back … I thought this odd (I have them on a puppy pad and was hovering over them constantly checking temps and generally keeping an eye on them and what have you).

A few hours later I noticed she did it again.. and I mean within a few min of each other. One had more solid fecal matter in it but it definitely wasn’t “normal” … she was crazy and fiesty as ever all day, jump kicking with the others, showing off her fluttering skills, trying to dust bathe and perching masterfully on a little roost bar.

I’m losing sleep over this little one, literally. They are on medicated feed… everyone else has very normal poo and energy levels too. I’m trying to figure out if I need to walk to the feed store and grab corid (as I understand she might be a bit young for coccoidosis if the ages are correct?) or something else … I feel incredibly on edge because my 5 year old daughter’s favorite animals are chickens and we finally were able to get them and she named every one (baby in question is “Honey”). I also love chickens, hah.

Thank you…

Edit: forgot age of acquisition: apparently day-olds.
Cecal poops are different from sick poops. When my hens were 1 week old some of them would have constant cecal poops that were very smelly. I think it might be a chick thing? They would poop cecal poops on my clothes all the time.

Its been a while since I had chicks, but think a sick chick would have symptoms of lethargy, not eating as much or drinking. Sick hens and chicks will have greenish, mucusy, yellow, or very very watery poop (clear or whitish). Cecal poop is generally a sign of a healthy chick. The watery poop might be just the effects of drinking more water.

Coccoidosis will definitely show through the chicks behavior and her poop might even include blood.

I'd say just keep an eye out for behavior changes, but she should be fine! also, if you would like, you can post pictures of that particular chick's poop.

check out this thread, too! https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/help-with-chick-poo-💩-gross-photos.1617840/
Cecal poops are different from sick poops. When my hens were 1 week old some of them would have constant cecal poops that were very smelly. I think it might be a chick thing? They would poop cecal poops on my clothes all the time.

Its been a while since I had chicks, but think a sick chick would have symptoms of lethargy, not eating as much or drinking. Sick hens and chicks will have greenish, mucusy, yellow, or very very watery poop (clear or whitish). Cecal poop is generally a sign of a healthy chick. The watery poop might be just the effects of drinking more water.

Coccoidosis will definitely show through the chicks behavior and her poop might even include blood.

I'd say just keep an eye out for behavior changes, but she should be fine! also, if you would like, you can post pictures of that particular chick's poop.

check out this thread, too! https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/help-with-chick-poo-💩-gross-photos.1617840/

Thank you very much for weighing in! I’m going to monitor for sure and see if it’s still going on this morning and frequency. I’ll be sure to post images if it’s still the same.

Thank you for the link!

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