Chick Beak Deformity


Apr 3, 2023

I noticed my polish pullet has a gap between her beak. It doesn't seem to bother her or keep her from being able to eat or drink, but just curious if anyone else has had this before? Anything I can do to help?


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Likely a crossbeak. None of the photos are straight on, but I think if you look straight on in person you'll see the beak skews to the chick's right.

It will likely worsen as it grows, but depending on how severe it is you may need to do some beak maintenance or provide food or water in more accessible containers to help it eat.
depending on how severe it is you may need to do some beak maintenance
Normal chickens wear down their beaks by rubbing them against things (like the ground or a rock).

For chickens with oddly-shaped beaks, sometimes that is not enough to keep the beak at the right size and shape. You may have to use a file or a dremel tool or something of the sort to trim and shape the beak. A chicken's beak is rather like a dog's toenail: a dead part on the end that you can clip and file without problems, and a part inside that has blood and nerves that you do not want to damage. If you hold it up and see light through the area, it is safe to remove that area. For chickens with dark colored beaks, you can sometimes look at one with a light-colored beak to get an idea of what to trim.

In the case of this specific chick, based on what I see in the photo, it looks like the lower beak is longer than normal, which is why the beak does not close normally. You might try filing or sanding just a little from the tip of the lower beak, and see if that fixes it (at least until it grows again). Or you might leave it alone as long as the chick can eat and drink properly, and only do something if the chick shows problems.
What a cutie 🥰
If it doesn’t get worse she will be absolutely fine but the odds are that it will as she matures so time will tell really.
If she has trouble when she’s older you will likely have to get out the file.
I’d start getting her happy being held now, it’s nice for you and essential if it’s needed later,
Agree with other posters. I would also recommend (If u are going to use this chick as a breeder) dont breed it. Scissor/cross beak is hereditary. If its a girl use her for strictly egg laying if its a boy cull it, I wouldnt even giveing it away if its a boy.

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