Chick biting wing. PLEASE HELP! Hurts itself. Is this a problem with Seramas?

Mar 18, 2019
Received 8 chicks today in the mail. Ordered Silkies but the black one appears to be a Serama. It takes a big bite of its wing, holds onto it, and won’t let go. Than it pulls its wing violently; so hard that it trips and falls! It screams in agony while it does this😕. Is there anything I can do? Anyone know why? And could it actually seriously hurt its self? If a human did this to themselves they’d be put in the psych ward.


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Received 8 chicks today in the mail. Ordered Silkies but the black one appears to be a Serama. It takes a big bite of its wing, holds onto it, and won’t let go. Than it pulls its wing violently; so hard that it trips and falls! It screams in agony while it does this😕. Is there anything I can do? Anyone know why? And could it actually seriously hurt its self? If a human did this to themselves they’d be put in the psych ward.
This is not usual behavior for serama or any other breed that I know of. Curious, why do you think it's a serama? I assume you've checked the wing. Possibly mites. It's doubtful that it will hurt itself. I'd clean the wing thoroughly and hopefully the behavior will stop. Good luck.
This is not usual behavior for serama or any other breed that I know of. Curious, why do you think it's a serama? I assume you've checked the wing. Possibly mites. It's doubtful that it will hurt itself. I'd clean the wing thoroughly and hopefully the behavior will stop. Good luck.
Cleaned it with water and vet spray and now it’s much better! I think it’s a serama because I ordered 7silkies but I got 1 extra chick that’s doesn’t have feathers on its feet and has a puffed up chest. The farm I got them from only sells 10 types of chickens and it looks the most like the serama
Mine is doing this too, so I'm looking for answers, Of course, I'm assuming you found out what it was, it's been four years!! What do I do?
Make sure the area it's biting is clean. One of my chicks had a few matted chick fuzz feathers on her lower chest. She would bite and pull it to try and untangle them, but scream with discomfort while doing it. I helped her clean the feathers using a warm damp paper towel and she's been fine since.

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