Chick born with stretched out legs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 6, 2013
One of my new chicks has been born with two of its legs that seem to be stretching out and he can't walk at all. Any suggestions on what to do?
Use a bandaid to hold the legs together. Use the gauze pad in the center as a guide to tell how far apart to keep the legs. 3-4 days and it'll be right as rain. My chick, PT, had the same problem. it runs and jumps with the best of them now.
I had a problem with one of my chicks with its legs straight out and what I did was put it in a small Styrofoam cup in the incubator for about 6 hours , and his own body weight straightened his legs and now he's doing just fine. Just remember to give him water.

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