Chick hurt


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2024
My 3 week old chick has a hurt or broke leg. It's in with mom and flock. Should I bring it in to wrap leg or let it heal on its own with mom and flock? Its the black one.
Can you post some pictures of the chick? Do you have a place to set up a brooder to separate it? How old is the chick, and was it walking normal before? If the leg is dangling, that does sound broken.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

You may want to post this in our Emergency Forum.

I wonder if it's not got a disjointed hip. How many siblings does it have? If a few, maybe bring it and a buddy in so you can assess it better to see if it's a leg or hip problem.
There's 3 siblings all doing great. It happened one night while in the coop with mom.

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